Studio van Schuppen restores old and new recordings
Studio van Schuppen has been restoring and digitizing old recordings for years and along the way we have surprised many customers with the excellent results of our endeavours. We have the right facilities and equipment for doing restoration at the highest possible level.
Because of the many recording formats that the studio can process we can fulfill the wish to remove unwanted noises like hiss, rumble, scratches on vinyl, coughing, creaking chairs, electronic clicks and other impurities or unwanted side effects from older recordings techniques.
Our equipment from the world famous CEDAR company is the basis of our restoration technique. CEDAR is a world leader in audio restoration and improvement technique:

"CEDAR is a leading supplier in the audio forensic field for police, security, anti-terrorism, air accident investigation, and some military applications. The company's technology has been used on many of the highest profile cases over the past fifteen years, and is installed in many of the best known (and many of the least known) forces and agencies in the world."